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Implementation and operation of Quality Management System based on EU GVP Module1/ISO9001 requirements
~Construction and operation of PV system / Process based on process approach~
~Audit planning and implementation with the introducing of QMS,and CAPA preparation~
<ebook and Bookbinding version>
you can use it as a textbook for training!!
Based on the current situation where the PV business system has not been established at overseas branch offices and overseas PV business consignees,
the overseas version (English version) will be published!
You can use it even if you can't understand Japanese.
Useful for QMS training conducted overseas.
*Click here for ebook version *This book is also compatible with e-books. ( E-book support: This book can also be viewed from the [web browser].) |
その実効性を確保するためのPV Auditにそのままお役立ていただけます
✔ 海外でのPV業務QMS研修実施のテキスト資料として (研修用セット割あり)
✔ 海外ベンダーコントロール:こちらの要求を正しく伝えるために
✔ 海外PV担当者とのやり取り・説明時の参考として
✔ 海外PV監査(Audit):QMSに関する指摘の根拠として
※英語版は、基本的には日本語版と同内容ですが、英語圏の読書も想定し誤解の無いように日本語版へ記載を追加・修正を加えたものとなります。 日本語版はこちら ⇒ 『 EU GVP Module I /ISO9001要求をふまえたQuality Management System の実装と運用 』 |
配信開始日 | 2020年11月25日 |
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ISBNコード | 978-4-86428-215-4 |
Cコード | C3047 |
その1 PVアウトソーシングにおけるベンダーコントロールのために
✔ 海外ベンダーコントロール
✔ 海外担当者とのやり取り・要求説明
✔ 海外PV監査(Audit)
契約通りに業務が行われているか信頼性保証としてのPV Auditを行う際の、
その2 海外でのPV業務QMS研修実施(研修用セット割)
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- The EU regulatory authority requires the introduction of a QMS -
Many organizations have not yet fully introduced or maintained the quality system,
and there are cases where fully understanding the requirements of Module I is not considered essential.
This book is organized according to the actual flow in building and operating PV systems and processes in the process approach.
It introduces the audit planning and implementation with the introducing of QMS,and CAPA preparation
based on the experience of the author, who has been involved in PV work and guidance for many years at a major pharmaceutical company.
We recommend it for everyone involved in global PV business!
※Companies that need to respond:
・The PV departments of pharmaceutical companies with head offices or branches in the EU
・The PV departments of their license partners, which have authorized medicines for human use in the EU
・The companies that outsource all or part of PV operations related to these medicines
【1】Easy to understand even for beginners with explanation of the structure along the actual flow!
This book introduces the specific methods used to introduce and operate QMS based on the experience of the author, who has been involved in PV work and guidance for many years at a major pharmaceutical company.
⇒This book is not an in-depth article explanation of Module I and ISO9001. However, it is organized according to the actual flow in building and operating PV systems and processes in the process approach.
The organizations that will build and operate PV systems and processes in the future, as well as those that have operated them, can review the current systems, process structures, and operations with reference to this book.
【2】Complement the shortage Using ISO9001, which is consistent with Module I
⇒At the moment, it is difficult to build and maintain the required level of the quality system from the requirements of Module I.
ISO9001 is used to compensate for the shortage,and the quality system required by Module I and its construction are explained in this book.
【3】PV audit and preparation and management of CAPA
■To perform the PV audit, an independent auditing organization is required, whose auditors are familiar with regulations such as laws, guidelines, and requirement levels, and well-versed in the field to be audited.
■At the moment, there are still many cases that include problems with root cause analysis, impact evaluation, and CAPA content.
⇒Representative examples of the problems the author have experienced in audits conducted in Japan and other countries so far are described.
※An example of a problem case in CAPA
・Insufficient or inappropriate root cause analysis, impact evaluation, or insufficient description
・Insufficient content or description of CAPA
・ CAPA execution control is not implemented or is insufficient
・ Top management of the PV organization is not sufficiently involved in CAPA control
Takahiro SHIBUYA |
Pharmacovigilance QMS consultant and pharmacovigilance auditor |
IRCA Certified QMS2015 Principal Auditor |
June 2019 | Left Chugai Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd |
January 2017 | Drug Safety Coordination Department Drug Safety Division |
Global PV Quality Manager |
Introduced pharmacovigilance QMS |
October 2004 | Regulatory Affairs Audit Department |
Audit Strategy Head for pharmacovigilance |
Integrated headquarters’ and affiliates’ clinical audit organizations as global organizations |
Introduced and managed pharmacovigilance audits |
Secondment to quality assurance organization of F. Hoffmann-La Roche |
Oct 1999 | Manager of pharmacovigilance organization Head Office |
Managed to create and maintain safety reference documents |
Managed to develop an IT system for ICSR processing |
Managed to develop a database system for medical information |
February 1987 | Staff of the pharmacovigilance organization Head Office |
Managed to develop an IT system for statistical analysis |
Managed outsourcing |
Managed and implemented data management |
Managed and implemented Japanese reexamination from planning to submission to the Health Authority |
Implemented ICSR processin |
April 1983 | Joined Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd |
Supported investigator-initiated clinical trials/studies from the science side |
澁谷 孝満 氏 |
IRCA認定QMS2015プリンシパル審査員 |
1983年4月 | 中外製薬(株) 入社 |
大阪支店 学術室 |
臨床試験の企画・推進,統計解析 |
1987年2月 | 本社 安全性部門 |
データマネジメント,統計解析,ICSR評価,添付文書制改訂,情報物作成,再審査申請業務全般,外注管理,契約管理,ITシステム企画・開発(統計解析,ICSR,医薬品情報データベースなど) |
2004年10月 | 薬事監査部 |
Audit Strategy Head for PV |
PV監査の導入および管理,臨床監査組織をGlobal化 |
H. Hoffmann-La Roche本社 臨床監査部門勤務 |
2017年1月 | 医薬安全性本部 安全性推進部 |
Global PV Quality Manager |
PV QMS導入 |
2019年6月 | 中外製薬(株) 退社 |
◎This book was explained based on the experience of the author, who has been involved in PV work and guidance for many years at a major pharmaceutical company.
From the author's point of view, this book introduces the method of introducing QMS according to the process approach, the method used in the process, and the key points.
It presents an overview of methods and tools that the author considers particularly useful for a variety of measures.
The EU GVP Module I -Pharmacovigilance systems and their quality systems (hereinafter referred to as Module I) is a guideline that describes the requirements related to the quality system (hereinafter referred to as the quality system) in pharmacovigilance (PV) and has been published for over seven years. The PV departments of pharmaceutical companies with head offices or branches in the EU, the PV departments of their license partners, which have authorized medicines for human use in the EU, and the companies that outsource all or part of PV operations related to these medicines, (hereinafter, the PV Department of Pharmaceutical Company and the company outsourced PV operations are collectively referred to as an organization) developed a quality system according to Module I provision as a legal obligation.
However, many organizations have not yet fully introduced or maintained the quality system, and there are cases where fully understanding the requirements of Module I is not considered essential. Therefore, the quality system required by Module I and its construction are explained in this book.
The quality system referred to in Module I is substantially equivalent to the quality management system, and it is difficult to build and maintain the required level of the quality system from the requirements of Module I. Therefore, as supplementation with ISO9001 is indispensable, ISO9001, which is consistent with Module I, is used to compensate for the shortage. With the revision from 2008 to 2015 edition, incorporating recommendations into the requirements, deleting some requirements, reorganizing the clauses, etc. were conducted, but the essence has not changed since the 2008 edition.
This book is not an in-depth article explanation of Module I and ISO9001. However, it is organized according to the actual flow in building and operating PV systems and processes in the process approach. It would be greatly appreciated if the organizations that will build and operate PV systems and processes in the future, as well as those that have operated them, can review the current systems, process structures, and operations with reference to this book.
1. ISO standards
2. Overview of ISO9001
2.1 Quality
2.1.1 Requirements
2.1.2 Quality in terms of product life cycle
2.1.3 Quality from the customer’s perspective
2.2 Management and management systems
2.2.1 Management (system) and quality management (system)
2.2.2 Study of the introduction of QMS
2.3 Assurance
2.3.1 Changes in requirement levels
2.3.2 Quality assurance in the process approach
3. Outline of Module I
3.1 Configuration of Module I
3.2 Relationship between PV systems and quality systems
4. Comparison between ISO9001:2008 and Module I
4.1 Similarities between ISO9001:2008 and Module I
4.2 Differences between ISO9001:2008 and Module I
5. Documentation and recordkeeping
5.1 Documentation
5.2 Retention of records
6. Management review
CHAPTER 2 Establishment of PV business management systems and construction of quality systems
1. Mission, product, customer, interested party, environmental trend
1.1 PV product
1.2 Customer and interested party determination and understanding of expectations and requirements
1.3 Understanding the environment
1.4 Key points of the survey and analysis
2. Quality policy and objectives
2.1 What is quality?
2.2 What is quality in PV regulations?
2.3 Quality policy and quality objectives
2.3.1 The role of quality policy and quality objectives
2.3.2 Setting quality objectives Setting an appropriate timeline Setting quality objectives Means for achievement
2.4 Drafting an execution plan for quality objectives(quality plan)
2.5 Risk
2.6 Execution control of quality plan
2.6.1 Executing the plan
2.6.2 Gantt chart and arrow diagram
2.6.3 How to prepare an arrow diagram
3. Process development
3.1 Difference between process and procedure
3.2 Management on an organizational basis and a process basis
3.3 Interaction between production process and other processes
3.4 Process development and arrangement
A)Clarification of PV system configuration
A)-1 Clarification of regulations and requirements
A)-2 Product clarification
A)-3 Clarification of the required process
A)-4 Clarification of input and products in required processes, and interrelationships in the processes
B)Product design
B)-1 Extraction of quality requirements for the product and process
B)-2 Quality planning and designing
B)-2.1 Quality function deployment
B)-2.2 Case of quality design
B)-2.3 Deployment of required quality according to a tree diagram
B)-2.4 Deployment to quality elements
B)-2.5 Preparation of quality table
B)-3 Examination of mechanism/parts group that constitute the product and elements work/parts thereof
C)Deployment to process and preparation of procedure
C)-1 Deployment to process
C)-1.1 Drafting of the process and peripheral information
C)-1.2 Turtle diagram
C)-2 Analysis of necessary technology and resources
C)-3 Key point for quality assurance in the process
C)-4 Preparation of procedural document
C)-4.1 Operation standard in PV
C)-4.2 Considerations in preparation
C)-4.3 Reviewing risks in procedures
4. System and process operation
4.1 Resource management
A)-1 Preparation of job description
B)Facilities, Equipment and Apparatus
C)External resources
4.2 Procedural training
4.2.1 Process operation to prevent procedure violation
4.2.2 Implementation of procedural training
4.3 Ensuring compliance with procedure
4.3.1 Case of an accident due to non-compliance with procedures(1)4)
4.3.2 Case of accident due to non-compliance with procedures(2)5,6)
4.4 Error measure
4.4.1 Error caused by human characteristics Error by social loafing Other factors
4.4.2 Error elimination
4.5 Monitoring
4.5.1 Purpose of monitoring
4.5.2 Monitoring according to process characteristics
4.5.3 Control chart X-R control chart T-type matrix
4.6 Early process control
4.7 Variation point control
4.8 Change control
5. Audit
5.1 Audit plan
A)Strategic level audit planning
B)Tactical level audit planning
C)Operational level audit planning
5.2 Implementation of audit
A)Preparation of an audit agenda
B)Opening meeting
C)Interviews and review of documents and records
D)Closing meeting
5.3 Reporting of audit results
5.4 Analysis of audit results
5.5 Training of auditor
C)Work experience
6. Improvement(handling abnormalities, problems, and unfavorable situations:CAPA)
6.1 Problems in the preparation and management of CAPA
6.1.1 Problems in CAPA preparation
6.1.2 Problems in CAPA management
6.2 Understanding the actual situation and status of the problem
6.3 Correction
6.4 Root cause analysis and impact assessment
6.5 Corrective action
6.5.1Response to recurrence prevention
6.5.2 Addressing root causes
6.5.3 Planning and implementation of corrective action
6.6 Preventive action
6.7 Execution of CAPA
6.8 Evaluation of CAPA effectiveness
Takahiro SHIBUYA |
Pharmacovigilance QMS consultant and pharmacovigilance auditor |
IRCA Certified QMS2015 Principal Auditor |
June 2019 | Left Chugai Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd |
January 2017 | Drug Safety Coordination Department Drug Safety Division |
Global PV Quality Manager |
Introduced pharmacovigilance QMS |
October 2004 | Regulatory Affairs Audit Department |
Audit Strategy Head for pharmacovigilance |
Integrated headquarters’ and affiliates’ clinical audit organizations as global organizations |
Introduced and managed pharmacovigilance audits |
Secondment to quality assurance organization of F. Hoffmann-La Roche |
Oct 1999 | Manager of pharmacovigilance organization Head Office |
Managed to create and maintain safety reference documents |
Managed to develop an IT system for ICSR processing |
Managed to develop a database system for medical information |
February 1987 | Staff of the pharmacovigilance organization Head Office |
Managed to develop an IT system for statistical analysis |
Managed outsourcing |
Managed and implemented data management |
Managed and implemented Japanese reexamination from planning to submission to the Health Authority |
Implemented ICSR processin |
April 1983 | Joined Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd |
Supported investigator-initiated clinical trials/studies from the science side |
澁谷 孝満 氏 |
IRCA認定QMS2015プリンシパル審査員 |
1983年4月 | 中外製薬(株) 入社 |
大阪支店 学術室 |
臨床試験の企画・推進,統計解析 |
1987年2月 | 本社 安全性部門 |
データマネジメント,統計解析,ICSR評価,添付文書制改訂,情報物作成,再審査申請業務全般,外注管理,契約管理,ITシステム企画・開発(統計解析,ICSR,医薬品情報データベースなど) |
2004年10月 | 薬事監査部 |
Audit Strategy Head for PV |
PV監査の導入および管理,臨床監査組織をGlobal化 |
H. Hoffmann-La Roche本社 臨床監査部門勤務 |
2017年1月 | 医薬安全性本部 安全性推進部 |
Global PV Quality Manager |
PV QMS導入 |
2019年6月 | 中外製薬(株) 退社 |
◎This book was explained based on the experience of the author, who has been involved in PV work and guidance for many years at a major pharmaceutical company.
From the author's point of view, this book introduces the method of introducing QMS according to the process approach, the method used in the process, and the key points.
It presents an overview of methods and tools that the author considers particularly useful for a variety of measures.
The EU GVP Module I -Pharmacovigilance systems and their quality systems (hereinafter referred to as Module I) is a guideline that describes the requirements related to the quality system (hereinafter referred to as the quality system) in pharmacovigilance (PV) and has been published for over seven years. The PV departments of pharmaceutical companies with head offices or branches in the EU, the PV departments of their license partners, which have authorized medicines for human use in the EU, and the companies that outsource all or part of PV operations related to these medicines, (hereinafter, the PV Department of Pharmaceutical Company and the company outsourced PV operations are collectively referred to as an organization) developed a quality system according to Module I provision as a legal obligation.
However, many organizations have not yet fully introduced or maintained the quality system, and there are cases where fully understanding the requirements of Module I is not considered essential. Therefore, the quality system required by Module I and its construction are explained in this book.
The quality system referred to in Module I is substantially equivalent to the quality management system, and it is difficult to build and maintain the required level of the quality system from the requirements of Module I. Therefore, as supplementation with ISO9001 is indispensable, ISO9001, which is consistent with Module I, is used to compensate for the shortage. With the revision from 2008 to 2015 edition, incorporating recommendations into the requirements, deleting some requirements, reorganizing the clauses, etc. were conducted, but the essence has not changed since the 2008 edition.
This book is not an in-depth article explanation of Module I and ISO9001. However, it is organized according to the actual flow in building and operating PV systems and processes in the process approach. It would be greatly appreciated if the organizations that will build and operate PV systems and processes in the future, as well as those that have operated them, can review the current systems, process structures, and operations with reference to this book.
1. ISO standards
2. Overview of ISO9001
2.1 Quality
2.1.1 Requirements
2.1.2 Quality in terms of product life cycle
2.1.3 Quality from the customer’s perspective
2.2 Management and management systems
2.2.1 Management (system) and quality management (system)
2.2.2 Study of the introduction of QMS
2.3 Assurance
2.3.1 Changes in requirement levels
2.3.2 Quality assurance in the process approach
3. Outline of Module I
3.1 Configuration of Module I
3.2 Relationship between PV systems and quality systems
4. Comparison between ISO9001:2008 and Module I
4.1 Similarities between ISO9001:2008 and Module I
4.2 Differences between ISO9001:2008 and Module I
5. Documentation and recordkeeping
5.1 Documentation
5.2 Retention of records
6. Management review
CHAPTER 2 Establishment of PV business management systems and construction of quality systems
1. Mission, product, customer, interested party, environmental trend
1.1 PV product
1.2 Customer and interested party determination and understanding of expectations and requirements
1.3 Understanding the environment
1.4 Key points of the survey and analysis
2. Quality policy and objectives
2.1 What is quality?
2.2 What is quality in PV regulations?
2.3 Quality policy and quality objectives
2.3.1 The role of quality policy and quality objectives
2.3.2 Setting quality objectives Setting an appropriate timeline Setting quality objectives Means for achievement
2.4 Drafting an execution plan for quality objectives(quality plan)
2.5 Risk
2.6 Execution control of quality plan
2.6.1 Executing the plan
2.6.2 Gantt chart and arrow diagram
2.6.3 How to prepare an arrow diagram
3. Process development
3.1 Difference between process and procedure
3.2 Management on an organizational basis and a process basis
3.3 Interaction between production process and other processes
3.4 Process development and arrangement
A)Clarification of PV system configuration
A)-1 Clarification of regulations and requirements
A)-2 Product clarification
A)-3 Clarification of the required process
A)-4 Clarification of input and products in required processes, and interrelationships in the processes
B)Product design
B)-1 Extraction of quality requirements for the product and process
B)-2 Quality planning and designing
B)-2.1 Quality function deployment
B)-2.2 Case of quality design
B)-2.3 Deployment of required quality according to a tree diagram
B)-2.4 Deployment to quality elements
B)-2.5 Preparation of quality table
B)-3 Examination of mechanism/parts group that constitute the product and elements work/parts thereof
C)Deployment to process and preparation of procedure
C)-1 Deployment to process
C)-1.1 Drafting of the process and peripheral information
C)-1.2 Turtle diagram
C)-2 Analysis of necessary technology and resources
C)-3 Key point for quality assurance in the process
C)-4 Preparation of procedural document
C)-4.1 Operation standard in PV
C)-4.2 Considerations in preparation
C)-4.3 Reviewing risks in procedures
4. System and process operation
4.1 Resource management
A)-1 Preparation of job description
B)Facilities, Equipment and Apparatus
C)External resources
4.2 Procedural training
4.2.1 Process operation to prevent procedure violation
4.2.2 Implementation of procedural training
4.3 Ensuring compliance with procedure
4.3.1 Case of an accident due to non-compliance with procedures(1)4)
4.3.2 Case of accident due to non-compliance with procedures(2)5,6)
4.4 Error measure
4.4.1 Error caused by human characteristics Error by social loafing Other factors
4.4.2 Error elimination
4.5 Monitoring
4.5.1 Purpose of monitoring
4.5.2 Monitoring according to process characteristics
4.5.3 Control chart X-R control chart T-type matrix
4.6 Early process control
4.7 Variation point control
4.8 Change control
5. Audit
5.1 Audit plan
A)Strategic level audit planning
B)Tactical level audit planning
C)Operational level audit planning
5.2 Implementation of audit
A)Preparation of an audit agenda
B)Opening meeting
C)Interviews and review of documents and records
D)Closing meeting
5.3 Reporting of audit results
5.4 Analysis of audit results
5.5 Training of auditor
C)Work experience
6. Improvement(handling abnormalities, problems, and unfavorable situations:CAPA)
6.1 Problems in the preparation and management of CAPA
6.1.1 Problems in CAPA preparation
6.1.2 Problems in CAPA management
6.2 Understanding the actual situation and status of the problem
6.3 Correction
6.4 Root cause analysis and impact assessment
6.5 Corrective action
6.5.1Response to recurrence prevention
6.5.2 Addressing root causes
6.5.3 Planning and implementation of corrective action
6.6 Preventive action
6.7 Execution of CAPA
6.8 Evaluation of CAPA effectiveness

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【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー



【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー


ヒトにおける薬物動態予測【2日間コース】(1)<ガイドラインと動物からの予測>(2)<in vitroデータとPBPKモデルからの予測>

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー


【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー


《解析ツールを使って学べる》 QbDに基づく医薬品開発の考え方と安定性試験結果の統計解析の手法
【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー




ICH E6(R3)が要求するデータガバナンス対応―DI確保とCSV対応―
【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

ヒトにおける薬物動態予測(2)<in vitroデータとPBPKモデルからの予測>

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

【改訂PIC/S GMP Annex1を基礎から解説】無菌医薬品の製造管理・環境管理の留意点とCCS戦略の策定
【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

PK/PD解析 入門講座-ファーマコキネティクス/ファーマコダイナミクス-<データのとり方、薬効と血中濃度の関連付けの理解>

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー



【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー


【QMS入門・運用セット】 ICH-GCPが要求する医薬品開発・臨床QMS入門と効果的かつ効率的運用

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー



【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー



【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

はじめての薬物動態学入門―基礎編<薬物動態というお仕事> NEW

はじめての薬物動態学入門―基礎編/解析編:2日間コース NEW

はじめての薬物動態学入門―解析編<薬物の動きを数値化する> NEW




Trial Master File(TMF)の保管・電磁化移行とeTMFシステム実装時のSOP作成/指摘事例・対策


Implementation and operation of Quality Management System based on EU GVP Module1/ISO9001 requirements
EB034a:Implementation and operation of Quality Management System based on EU GVP Module1/ISO


EU GVP Module I /ISO9001要求をふまえたQuality Management System の実装と運用

『 国際共同治験とモニタリング 』なぜ,この記録類が必要か/なぜ,このような手順が必要か回答できますか






【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー





【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー



【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー


ヒトにおける薬物動態予測【2日間コース】(1)<ガイドラインと動物からの予測>(2)<in vitroデータとPBPKモデルからの予測>

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー


【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー


《解析ツールを使って学べる》 QbDに基づく医薬品開発の考え方と安定性試験結果の統計解析の手法
【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー




ICH E6(R3)が要求するデータガバナンス対応―DI確保とCSV対応―
【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

ヒトにおける薬物動態予測(2)<in vitroデータとPBPKモデルからの予測>

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

【改訂PIC/S GMP Annex1を基礎から解説】無菌医薬品の製造管理・環境管理の留意点とCCS戦略の策定
【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

PK/PD解析 入門講座-ファーマコキネティクス/ファーマコダイナミクス-<データのとり方、薬効と血中濃度の関連付けの理解>

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー



【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー


【QMS入門・運用セット】 ICH-GCPが要求する医薬品開発・臨床QMS入門と効果的かつ効率的運用

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー



【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー



【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

【 2 名 同 時 申 込 で 1 名 無 料 】 対 象 セ ミ ナ ー

はじめての薬物動態学入門―基礎編<薬物動態というお仕事> NEW

はじめての薬物動態学入門―基礎編/解析編:2日間コース NEW

はじめての薬物動態学入門―解析編<薬物の動きを数値化する> NEW




Trial Master File(TMF)の保管・電磁化移行とeTMFシステム実装時のSOP作成/指摘事例・対策


Implementation and operation of Quality Management System based on EU GVP Module1/ISO9001 requirements
EB034a:Implementation and operation of Quality Management System based on EU GVP Module1/ISO


EU GVP Module I /ISO9001要求をふまえたQuality Management System の実装と運用

『 国際共同治験とモニタリング 』なぜ,この記録類が必要か/なぜ,このような手順が必要か回答できますか




